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Naktsmītnes Tihany  Balaton   Ģimenes viesu māja


Kopējais visu realizēto uzturēšanos skaits: 5        Number of reviews: 3        Average score: 9.7 (no 10)
14.08.2011 - 27.08.2011, Couple, Polija
Uzturēšanās norisinājās veiksmīgi.
04.12.2010 - 05.12.2010, Couple, Horvātija
Uzturēšanās norisinājās veiksmīgi.
10.06.2009 - 14.06.2009, Couple, Polija   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Ļoti.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Ļoti.
Cik lielā mērā Jūs bijāt apmierināts ar saimnieka/personāla attieksmi? Ļoti.
Norādiet savus iespaidus: Polecam bardzo.
31.05.2008 - 04.06.2008, Grupa, Slovēnija   9
Dear miss Judita, Thank you for your e-mail, everything was OK, the reservation proscedure worked OK, the appartment wasy nice and very well equiped, even the weather was ok during the four days (it was raining once, during the night) so we spent a wonderful holliday. Best wishes for you and your company. Zdenko
22.05.2008 - 25.05.2008, Couple, Austrija   10
Wir waren im gebuchten Haus bestens untergebracht und können den Uterkunftsgebern nur das beste Zeugniss ausstellen.
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