26.07.2012 - 29.07.2012, Group, Slovakia | 8 |
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the hotel? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
18.07.2011 - 19.07.2011, Couple, Slovakia
The accommodation was all right. 13.08.2009 - 17.08.2009, Group, Spain
The accommodation was all right. 27.06.2009 - 28.06.2009, Family with children, Slovakia | 10 |
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the hotel? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Hotel sa nachádza blízko centra,ma vhodné spojenie mestskou dopravou. Zariadenie hotela je velmi prijemne, pekne,apartmany priestranné, vhodné aj pre rodiny.Personál bol velmi ochotný, poradil, pomohol. Boli sme velmi spokojní.Kolektiv víkendového zájazdu.
30.12.2008 - 04.01.2009, Family with children, Finland
The accommodation was all right. 26.07.2008 - 27.07.2008, Group, Poland | 10 |
All received feedbacks from the customers are published