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Majutamine Balatonfüred  Balaton   Privaat


Juba olnud majutuste koguarv: 64        Number of reviews: 24        Average score: 9.5 (edasi 10)
15.08.2017 - 20.08.2017, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
03.08.2017 - 06.08.2017, Grupp, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
29.07.2017 - 02.08.2017, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Kvůli nepřesnému uvedení polohy ubytování na mapách jsme trochu bloudili, ale to byl jen takový lehce nepříjemný úvodní detail... Pak už jen samá pozitiva a výhody! :-) Domácí jsou opravdu velmi komunikativní a milí - rajčátka, jablíčka a čerstvé fíky od maminky z vlastní zahrádky nás ohromily! Díky! Byt byl krásně čistý a pohodlný, jen jsem v kuchyňce postrádala pánev, ostřejší nůž a vývrtku (tu nejvíc :-)) A děti vstaly za úsvitu a fotily z nádherné balkónové vyhlídky východ slunce nad Balatonem! Krásně jsme si tu odpočinuli! Děkujeme! Katka + Vašek + 3 "děti" :-).
24.07.2017 - 29.07.2017, Grupp, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
10.07.2017 - 14.07.2017, Grupp, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
20.08.2016 - 26.08.2016, Grupp, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
24.07.2016 - 28.07.2016, Grupp, Slovakkia   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Szuper hely, kitűnő kilátás, nagyon elégedettek vagyunk :) Köszönjük..
09.07.2016 - 16.07.2016, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Služby Limby jsou perfektní, rychlá komunikace. Ubytování pěkné, přístup majitele velmi vstřícný, reakce na dotazy byla vždy obratem. Velká spokojenost a díky..
19.08.2015 - 22.08.2015, Couple, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
18.07.2015 - 25.07.2015, Grupp, Slovakkia   7
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
06.07.2015 - 12.07.2015, Grupp, Poola
Majutus õnnestus.
05.08.2014 - 08.08.2014, Family with children, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
28.07.2014 - 02.08.2014, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
13.07.2014 - 19.07.2014, Family with children, Poola
Majutus õnnestus.
21.08.2013 - 25.08.2013, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Simply without issues. The owner is very helpful and good English speaking. Great accommodation, especially for families with small children, absolutely quiet, privacy. Stunning views of Lake Balaton from the terrace where we sat all the wonderful evenings with good wine and sausages. Announced 3+2 beds were just right for the two partners + 2 children (5 and 11 years) + grandmother. The kitchen is really small, only 1 hotplate (who would cook on vacation ;-)), but everything is clean and fully functional. There is a longer walk to the lake beach or to the downtown by foot, but by car only 5-10 minutes. Moreover you can use the city bus. It goes on time according to the schedule. We spent there really incredibly pleasant holiday. Recommended.Jednoduse bez pripominek. Majitel je velmi vstricny a mluvici dobre anglicky. Skvele ubytovani, zvlast pro rodinu s mensimi detmi, naprosty klid, soukromi. Uzasny vyhled na Balaton z terasy, kde jsme prosedeli vsechny nadherne vecery pri dobre.
14.08.2013 - 18.08.2013, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: U pana majitele jsme byli podruhé. Velice příjemný ubytovatel, privát čistý, klidný, byli jsme velice spokojeni jak s ubytováním, tak se službami agentury Limba. Děkujeme a za rok nashledanou Soňa a Radek Kolmačkovi.
05.08.2013 - 14.08.2013, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Ubytování je skvělé, sice dále od vody, ale s nádherným výhledem na Balaton. Kuchyňka je sice dosti malá, ale celkem dostačující. Koupání je perfektní, pro děti ideální. Domácí jsou velmi vstřícní. Můžeme jen doporučit..
21.07.2013 - 27.07.2013, Grupp, Slovakkia   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Pekné prostredie s krásnym výhľadom. Prenajímateľ milý človek..
13.07.2013 - 20.07.2013, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Pobyt proběhl bez připomínek. Výborný ubytovatel, který se všemi dotazy rád pomohl. Jediná výtka je k nedostatečně vybavené kuchyni. Jednoplotýnkový sporák pro 4-členou rodinu je opravdu malý..
02.08.2012 - 05.08.2012, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Jen mála poznámka - na domě, kde je apartmán je popisné číslo 5, ne 2A..
24.07.2012 - 27.07.2012, Grupp, Slovakkia   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Apartmán pekný s krásnym výhľadom na Balaton. Môžem odporučiť. Rodina zo Slovenska.
06.07.2012 - 09.07.2012, Family with children, Poola   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Bardzo dobry i szybki kontakt. Zakwaterowanie zgodne z opisem, godne polecenia!!!.
30.06.2012 - 05.07.2012, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Majitel sympatický člověk, uměl velmi solidně anglicky - domluva bez problémů. Dal nám i cenné rady ohledně typu pláží,kde se za co platí, kde nakoupit... Nebyl s ním jedinný problém. Myslel i na drobnosti odnášel smetí, doplnil toaletní papír... a navíc jsme o něm prakticky ani nevěděli. Ubytování moc pěkné, vše čisté a z balkónu opravdu nádherný večerní pohled na balaton z zapadjící slunce na něm - krása a velká pohoda. Děkuji i Vám za pěknou dovolenou a Privát 11494 mohu jen doporučit..
13.06.2012 - 17.06.2012, Couple, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Dobrý den,vše proběhlo v naprostém pořádku a bez problémů. S ubytováním jsme byli spokojeni, je útulné, ale doporučuji opravdu spíše pro rodinu. I když je ubytování prostorné, je zde jedna ložnice, velký průchozí obývací pokoj a malá kuchyňka na chodbě, takže druhý pár by neměl své soukromí. Jinak krásný výhled z balkonu i na Balaton. Klidné prostředí ve vyšší poloze městečka. Dolu k plážím kousek dále, ale nám to nevadilo. Objednání ubytování a následné jednání s majitelem na místě bez problémů a příjemné (v angličtině). Mohu opravdu doporučit.Vaňásek.
03.08.2011 - 07.08.2011, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   9
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Krásný prostorný apartmán s fantastickým výhledem na Balaton, ideální pro rodinu s dětmi. Kuchyňka je menší - bez uváděného plynového sporáku - ale jinak dostatečně zařízená. Do turistického centra Balatonfüred je to pěšky daleko, autem naprosto bez problémů, za to je tu fantastický klid od nočního ruchu. Moc se nám tu líbilo, určitě se sem chceme znovu vrátit..
23.07.2011 - 02.08.2011, Grupp, Slovakkia   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Počasie nevyšlo, za to ubytovateľ nemôže. Vybavenie kuchynky je skromnejšie, inak všetko v poriadku..
17.07.2011 - 23.07.2011, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Ubytování super. Domáci také. A luxusní výhled na vodu :-D .... Jen to počasí ke konci už sklamalo .....
11.07.2011 - 14.07.2011, Grupp, Poola   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: właściele bardzo mili i uprzejmi, warunki lokalowe bardzo dobre.
18.06.2011 - 25.06.2011, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Děkujeme a byli jsme se vším moc spokojeni. V budoucnu se na vás budeme opět obracet..
15.07.2010 - 17.07.2010, Family with children, Poola   7
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: brak klimatyzacji to minus tej kwatery i duża odległość od centrum poz tym wszystko w najlepszym porządku.
05.07.2010 - 08.07.2010, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: 100% spokojenost jak se službami Limby tak s příjemnými ubytovateli.Děkujeme oběma za možnost prožití sice krátké,zato o to krásnější dovolené !.
20.09.2008 - 21.09.2008, Family with children, Poola   8
brak uwag
05.07.2008 - 12.07.2008, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
Ubytovani i dostupnost k plazim perfektni, majitele moc projemni. Dekujeme
21.07.2007 - 28.07.2007, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   9
chtěla bych Vám poděkovat za pomoc při výběru dovolené u Balatonu. Byli jsme moc spokojeni, jak s ubytováním, tak s koupáním a využitím kol, které jsme měli s sebou. Ubytování bylo příjemné, prostorný apartmán s výhledem na Balaton. Cesta k vodě byla díky kolům v pohodě. Jediné mínus byly koleje a frekventovaná cesta, kterou jsme museli přejet. Ale všechno nám vynahradilo příjemné koupání a cyklostezky kolem celého Balatonu, které jsou dobře značené.
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